Weekly Experiments in Self-Healing
Every Sunday Morning
May - August 2025
Every training is a direct, embodied, meditative experience of the subject, an inspiring, evidence based lecture, and intimate conversations with other participants.
You will be trained in a specific self-healing practice that you can do in 5 minutes or in 5 seconds to vitalize your body and soothe your anxiety.
Eating experiments such as mono diets you will do throughout each day for the week or as many days as you choose.
Interviews with participants from the previous week about their experiences.
At most sessions, another well-qualified doctor will offer a presentation that deepens our understanding of the topic.
Webinar Topics
An Introduction to the Summer Series
What to Expect
Toxemia: The Wisdom of Illness: Learn how the entire body, as a unified whole- physically, mentally, and emotionally- responds to the natural environment and organically leans toward healing itself.
The predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating causes of sickness
The use of Biometrics
Mono Diets, Modified Fasting
Benefits & Experimentation with Mono Diets (Pears & Apples)
Launch an experimentation with eating only seasonal fruit and vegetables (every week of the series). I'll suggest a new fruit or vegetable throughout this summer series. This second session will speak to the benefits, cautions and challenges of mono diets. Let's do this-- especially during the summer months when there is so much bounty.
Effective, inexpensive monitors of metabolic changes occurring in the body can be tracked in real time. Biometrics are true measurements of how the body is responding to our behavior, primarily eating and moving. Examples of this are: Continuous Glucose Monitor, Oura Ring or a fitness tracker (Fitbit, Apple). Throughout these Fall Sessions, you have the opportunity to monitor your eating, movement and sleep. You will be given an experimental eating regimen so you may observe what happens to your blood glucose, your body and your energy. The Oura Ring conveys how much time you've spent in deep sleep, your heart rate and body temperature along with heart rate variability. Your fitness tracker monitors the number of the steps you take each day. It communicates recommendations, for instance, when it's good to back off and rest and when it's good to have a solid work out. We'll also talk about optional lab tests.
"I know what to do, I just can’t do it!"
It's common and not just common, it's perfectly natural for people to understand conceptually before what we understand begins to show up in our lives as well established practices of eating, thinking, moving and relating. If you are ready to close the gap between what you know and what you do then this experiment is for you. With the solidarity and encouragement of our peers, we learn to see clearly where to begin and we do so.
Healthy Sex
An introduction to Tantra and meaningful, sexual expression. As always, we will come together in an embodied, meditative way and, from that space of peace and clarity, we will experience our own truth regarding how we use and express sexual energy. This is a safe, protected session meant to breakthrough shame, guilt and bring us to a deepened intimacy with ourselves and those we engage with sexually.
Your Hero’s Journey​
Is there anyone other than me who could possibly be the hero of my life? Can anyone else heal me or heal my pain and suffering? What is under my control and what is not under my control to do and not do? Why do we admire heroism and want to be heroic ourselves? Who are our mythic heroes, our historical heroes and our living heroes? What is it in our heroes, what do they do that evokes our respect, admiration and our desire to behave as they do? What impedes us from living more heroically? This sessions is a powerful exploration of our unrealized potential.
Anxiety, Depression & The Angst Ridden State
This gathering addresses our epidemic of anxiety and depression. These states can often lead to a general state of angst, a rejection of life. But there is another way to live and live authentically and at peace-regardless of circumstances. People struggling with these untreated conditions have lives and physical surroundings that reflect disarray. Sometimes it just feels hopeless. But there is always hope. There is no such thing as too far gone. We grow from our messes. In this week, we'll look at the contributing factors, how we can participate in our own healing and how perceptions can shift to invite in new thought, improved behavior and choices. All the support in the world is available here.
What is the Trajectory of Your Health?
Over the last year, five years and ten years has the trajectory of your health been ascending or declining? In what ways? What organ systems are involved? What can you anticipate if your present trajectory continues? How can you change your health trajectory?
Hormonal Imbalances
We will use the model of toxemia and explain the anatomical, physiological and metabolic consequences that our behavior has upon our hormonal balance. How do you recognize the symptoms of hormonal balance in yourself? How hormonal dysregulation directly produces a metabolic state of disease which manifests uniquely in each individual as such diseases as cancer, cardiovascular disease, infertility, on and on. The model is easy to understand and implement. Understanding this naturally inspires us to make intelligent improvements in our ways of living and how we care for ourselves. We will unpack the behavioral causes and therapeutics for conditions such as hyper & hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, ovarian & testicular imbalances where hormonal imbalance contributes.
Our Relationship with Water
In this session, Drs. Peter Andersen, Marisa Soski and myself will explain “coherent water”, the fourth stage of water that transcends and includes the stages of ice, liquid and vapor. The understanding of the structure and function of coherent water will open you to practical ways of consuming and using coherent water that unfailingly produce vitality and healing.
Food Allergies
This is a very, very telling experiment! It enables us to find out how our body actually reacts to foods such as gluten, milk, soy, chocolate, etc. Using embodied, meditative self-awareness plus modern biometrics, we will structure an eating experiment that gives us an evidence based, embodied understanding of how we react to different foods.
Understanding Your Microbiome
In this session you will gain an understanding of the structure and function of your microbiome and how the concentration and diversity of species is determined by what you eat, by anxious thinking, lack of abdominal muscle tone etc. Conversely you will see how your microbiome determines inflammation, energy, moods and all manner of disease.
Recent research into our microbiome has led to a plethora of supplements and recommendations for special foods and diets. Many of these recommendations are based upon the mistaken view that the body is a machine and our biome and organs are but parts in the bodily machine much like a radiator, piston and shocks.
Learning from Our Biometrics
Here we are 14 weeks into this Fall Series and 10 -12 weeks measuring our biometrics. What have you learned? How have you benefited from the real time information delivered through your tracking? Celebrate the power of this knowledge! We have objective metabolic measurements of our health, vitality and adaptability that we have learned to use to inform us how to nourish, exercise and rest our precious body. Bring your party hat!
Joyful Diligence & Defending the Conquered Ground​​
What we do need to cast forward with the same energy we have engaged in throughout these webinars? In our last session, we learn to hold sacred the knowledge and new behaviors that are creating health and happiness.